A Look Forward : An Exercise of Reflection

In the thick of this year, it can be easy to see January 1st as just another day, a flip of the calendar, a continuation of this same old. But because we’re human, we need chapters to end and old doors to close so that new ones can open. For that, New Year’s Day is worth celebrating. But before we say farewell to another year of life lived, let us first reflect on the moments and milestones that led us to where we are today.

Pause & Reflect

Describe your past year in one sentences:
Honestly, 2020 has been the best year financially for us as a whole and the worst year for my mental health and anxiety.

To elaborate, my husband and I have been working hard on getting our debt down and budgeting a lot better. We have been able to cash flow a lot of possessions, as well as celebrations. We know what is upcoming and we start saving for a rainy day. As for my mental health, I have been battling post partum depression since my 1st daughter was born in 2016 but I didn’t realize how bad it was until this year when I didn’t have the energy nor the desire to be what my kids needed me to be. I could barley get out of bed and if I did, I would have the worlds shortest fuse and snap at everything little thing. I thank God for my doctor who helped me figure out what I needed and put me on anxiety meds and something to help with the panic attacks I was having. I know that meds are not for everyone but I definitely recommend you reaching out to your doctor in regards to what you can do if you are silently suffering.

Looking at the year ahead….

What do you want to focus more on in the coming year?
I would like to focusing on doing what makes me happy more. I envision creating more product that I could possibly sell to help bring in more income to our household. I will expand my presence in regards to my blog and what I post.

What habits do you want to keep and trash?
Habits I want to keep are as followed:
My Daily Devotional and getting closer to the Holy Spirit
Being more present in my marriage and with my kids
My water intake (100 oz a day)
Budgeting (duh)
My Face Regiment I started in June

Habits I would like to trash are:
Overanalyzing Everything
Negative Thinking
Living in fear of not being accepted
Not being confident in the woman I have become

Tell me how you would sum your year for 2020 and some habits you would like to keep/ trash in the comment section below!

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