5 Golden Rules of Decluttering: According to Marie Kondo

Netflix done messed us up when they released the show Tidying Up With Marie Kondo. I watched 1 episodes before I started purging my stuff right after. Granted I lost my steam until I read her book. Getting organized seems and looks like an amazing lifestyle according to Pinterest and Instagram; but getting there make take some work. If you follow these 5 golden rules, tidying up and organizing will become a breeze for you.

1. Sort things by categories. Purge and organize in this order: Clothing, Books, Papers, Miscellaneous Items, and Sentimental Items.If you follow me in Instagram, you saw I organize by room not by category. It’s just easier for me that way. Not sure why 🤷🏽‍♀️. I just recently reorganized my girls’ room. I have been wanting to do for awhile and it must be that time of year for me when I want to change up the house and get rid of everything haha. But what I did is tried to make everything uniformed and similar for both girls. That way it’s easier for us as well as any babysitter who needed to know where items are.

2. Make this a 1 time event – I know that when you start to purge your stuff, it tends to get overwhelming. Trust me when I say this it’s okay to take your time and tackle one thing at a time. And like Marie Kondo says “If you tidy just a little every day, you’ll be tidying forever. Instead, employ systems that work for the long haul.” Systems have helped us in so many ways. Especially when it comes to bed time– my favorite time.

3. Keep only items that “spark joy”- This sounds as weird as it feels but once you do it, you will start to notice that when you find something in store and you like it at first but after you stare at it for a little while you tend to put it back. Or at least for me. That’s how I know the item has served it’s purpose. It has fulfilled its “sparking joy” moment.

4. Apply Gratitude – Now I know applying gratitude to objects is an unorthodox way of giving them purpose in your home. If items don’t serve you a purpose or have a functional reason of being in your home, get rid of it!! I can not tell you how mush stuff I was holding onto in my house that I thoughtI used but really didn’t. Needless to say I got rid of them fast.

5. Use what you already know/ own- you don’t need to break the the bank to organize you house. You can reuse what you have once you have purged. If you do need to get items, a local dollar store or dollar tree has some really great storage bins and organized containers. Or if you wanted to get fancy, you could go to a container store near you. I’m not going to lie, a container store is my heaven.

Organizing doesn’t have to be stressful or overwhelming. Just go at your own pace.

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